Doctors Bud Frazier and Billy Cohn have devised an artificial replacement that provides a continuous flow of blood throughout the body.
By T.C. Sottek Mar 4, 2012, 10:01pm ESTSource Popular Science
At least fifty calves and three human beings are living with no pulse in their bodies, thanks to an artificial pump that replaced their naturally-grown hearts – Human heart replaced by 10,000 RPM artificial pump with no pulse
Despite cardiac advances such as statins and stents, some 500,000 patients in the United States die of heart failure annually, more than 1,000 a day. Medicine has mastered the transplantation of donor hearts, but most years there are only 2,000 to 3,000 available.
So there is most definitely a need for an artificial heart. One that could save the lives of most people that would have died from heart failure.
..this is kind of what I envision. That you’ll be able to walk into Costco, pull this off a shelf, and have your surgeon stick it in your chest. These things are so simple, we’ll be putting them in the chests of 100,000 people a year.”
Billy Cohn Creator of Artificial Heart Pump Replacement
“To use a heart for transplant, you had to die in a certain way, and your heart had to be healthy,” Cohn said.
Fast forward to the 1980s, and more than 2,000 transplants had been performed in the United States. Then in 1988, the first LVAD was implanted in a human. For more cardiology guidance visit https://carolinacardiologyassociates.com/services/.
A left ventricular assist device (LVAD) is a pump that we use for patients who have reached end-stage heart failure. We surgically implant the LVAD, a battery-operated, mechanical pump, which then helps the left ventricle (main pumping chamber of the heart) pump blood to the rest of the body. LVADs can be used as:
Today, more than 50,000 people have had continuous flow pumps like the LVAD implanted, Cohn said, adding that “[LVADs] changed the face of heart failure.”
With complete heart replacements, heart failure is now a curable condition

Some of the advantages of today’s technologies are being able to tweak the design of the artificial heart overnight via a 3-D printer and being able to test it the next day Cohn said.
“The motors and components inside are getting smarter, and are able to get the two pumps, one for the right side of the heart and one for the left, to balance as blood is pumped.“

Cohn concluded with noting there are “tons of pumps coming to market” in 2017. These include the Cleveland Smart Heart, Rich Wampler’s OREGON HEART and the BiVACOR V-3B, which Cohn helped develop.
– Billy Cohn on the Past, Present and Future of the Total Artificial Heart
So the question begs to be asked. Why are people indeed still dying from heart failure? Is the technology too expensive? Well, why then is there a black market for hearts?
Or is this technology simply not well know enough? If it were might it be sponsored by governments with free healthcare?
If you were to be infected with any one of the plagues, any hospital globally would simply treat it with antibiotics. The plague being a famously deadly disease that’s been rendered harmless by science.
So should there really be any question how to treat a patient with an acutely failing heart?
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