This very interesting talk with Dr Richard Feynman takes on the issue of questioning everything. Scientific literacy makes you view the world in a very different way.
Scientific literacy required to be a politician.
Today I come bearing the thoughts of others in our species’ short history such as Carl Sagan and Neil Degrasse Tyson. If the people making decisions for us are not scientifically literate who is going to care enough to make sure the whole public is scientifically literate? In this case do we really think Ted […]
America, listen to a Milwaukee citizen. Do not vote for Scot...
Scott Walker was my county executive in Milwaukee. I saw schools go to complete shit under his guidance and I agree fully with all the smart people in this nation. Kick him out of office.
Did NASA Land On The Moon?
To me it’s hilarious that there are still people who believe we didn’t land on the moon, despite the overwhelming evidence. But then so is the case with many things. Some people think the earth is flat, global warming, conspiracy theories. It’s sad really.
Carl Sagan On The Issue Of ‘God’
The idea that God is an oversized white male with a flowing beard who sits in the sky and tallies the fall of every sparrow is ludicrous. But if by God one means the set of physical laws that govern the universe, then clearly there is such a God. This God is emotionally unsatisfying… […]
Atheists to man made Gods, Agnostic to the unknown and undis...
Atheism to man made religions is not something that we can categorize as unprovable. See, we atheists aren’t the ones making outlandish claims about the universe lacking evidence and reason, that belongs to religion. So with all due respect, I disagree with religious people on a lot of things. Agnosticism is truly the more […]
Why Government Defers To Science Rather Than Science Deferri...
We live in a very troubling time for humanity. Nobody seems to know what they are talking about, and nobody seems to give a second thought to what they base their beliefs on. There is a healthy amount of critical thinking to be done in this world yet we are simultaneously excessively skeptical of some […]
The Problem With Statistical Evidence
While statistics are extremely valuable, they are also notorious for being a means that people use to make false and misleading arguments. 86% of statistics are made up on the spot, you know – the remaining 24% are mathematically flawed.- Anonymous Also far too often statistics are obtained by taking a sample from a larger […]
We Are The Part Of The Universe That Knows The Universe
A seriously touching video of an astronomer explaning why astronomy matters to him, and how beautiful it is. Everyone needs to watch this “The Astronomer” – This experimental documentary features excerpts from an interview with Professor Tom Burns of Ohio Wesleyan University and Director of Perkins Observatory. “The Astronomer” is part of a larger project, […]
The Importance Of Understanding Technology
Nobody can put it in a better way than Carl Sagan. The lack of understanding when it comes to the science and technology we use every day is sooner or later going to blow up in our faces. “We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We […]